29 January 2014

Download ''Brain Lara Cricket 99''

Brian Lara Cricket'99 (BLC99) (also known as Shane Warne Cricket in Australia and New Zealand) is a 1998 PlayStation and PC cricket game, personally endorsed by West Indiancricketer Brian Lara, produced by Code masters, and a follow-up to the successful Brian Lara Cricket and Brian Lara Cricket '96.

Download Now (BLC of Size 169 Mb).
Download Link 2  (BLC Full 402 Mb).

Steps For Installing the Game (BLC 99 Full)
> First Check the System Requirements.
> Download the Game and Extract it on your Computer with WinRaR.
> Open the Folder (You will find 48 files).
> Find the File "SETUP.EXE" and Install the Game.
> After Installation is Complete, Open the Installed Folder (You will find 117 files) .
> Find the file "Launcher.exe", Click on it and Play the Game .

Minimum Specification
Windows 95 or 98
DirectX 6.0
Intel Pentium 166 Mhz plus 3D card
Intel Pentium 200 Mhz without 3D card (SVGA 4MB card required)
16mb RAM
1 Gb Hard disk space
Direct X 6.0 compatible Soundcard

Recommended Specification

Windows 95 or 98
DirectX 6.0
Intel Pentium 200 Mhz plus 3D card
32mb RAM
1 Gb hard disk space
Direct X 6.0 compatible Soundcard


  1. it is saying clock speed is low plzz help

    1. Which Operating System You are using??? Actually most of these old games are Compatible with XP only.

    2. Can I play this game on window 10

  2. bro i am using windows 7
    plzz help bro

  3. yes i want to use in windows 7 or 8????

  4. How play lara 99 in cell phone plz reply me

  5. Hi Rizwan! All the games on this website are windows compatible, none of them will work on any cell phones.. check for lara 99 on android/IOS/Windows play stores, hope it will be there..

  6. Brian Lara 99 is not compatible with windows 7 or above. You need to google 'windows xp patch for brian lara cricket 99' and install the patch into your game folder and then run the launcher.

  7. how to download pls yr tell me

  8. How do you run it on Windowa 7?

  9. 169 mb and 402 mb file two file download? any one?

  10. 169 mb and 402 mb file two file download? any one?

  11. Cric Chamber: ''Brain Lara Cricket 99'' >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Cric Chamber: ''Brain Lara Cricket 99'' >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Cric Chamber: ''Brain Lara Cricket 99'' >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK mS

  12. About to be on your

  13. Ahsanboutique@1988
